i'm beginning to feel a bit like a hobbit. not on purpose, mind you, but the schedule seems conducive to it these days. fortunately it's only a bit. much more and i'd have to worry about my already too well expanded waistline.
see, monday through friday, excepting holidays and teacher in service days, i get up at 5:30. i wake the kids and harass them off to school. okay, so harass isn't quite the right word. froggy tends to get done what she's supposed to get done without much prompting. it's taz we have to watch...or he walks in circles in his room and talks to himself. it's very...odd, even for him. anyway, so i get the kids off to school, which takes about an hour. now, it also takes about an hour for me to wake up enough to be hungry. so by the time they leave, i am hungry enough to eat a little something. usually nothing big since i go right back to bed once they are out the door.
3 hours later, i'm getting back up and...eating a second breakfast. again, a small breakfast because i'm hungry, but not that hungry. between the two small breakfasts, i get a whole decent one, but it still feels very hobbittish. hopefully as long as i stay away from onesies and all those other extra meals they're famous for, i'll retain some small control over my waistline...sort of.
the double morning actually can have its advantages, though. i get work done during morning one that i don't have time to do any other time. at the moment, it's dedicated to getting whysper entries from 2000 through to the end of 2003 fixed up. 2000 is almost done. and even though i go back to sleep, for some reason having been up earlier makes it easier for me to get going when i get up the second time. the only problem i've discovered with these double mornings is that between 5:30 and 6:30 the temperature drops. by the time i get back in bed, i have to huddle to get warm, and even with my warm blanket, it takes a little time.
now if only the extra couple of hours of sleep would eliminate the need for a nap later in the afternoon. :P
my second morning is generally filled with getting ready to and taking phoenix to work, then coming home and getting little things done until it's time to feed baby cat and put her down for a nap. there's usually not enough time between getting back from dropping phoenix off and lunch to get into anything deep or in need of a lot of focus. that comes when little one is finally out and i can actually do things without keeping an eye on the baby.
really, a double morning would help more if it came with the extra hours too. i may have found a way to take care of things i don't have time for during the course of my regular day, but i still don't have enough time during the day to get everything done that i want.
which i guess means my double morning isn't quite so doubled after all.