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wednesday, january 2, 2008


i know we can't afford it, but i really wish we had a second car. well, a second car after we get the car that will replace the truck. yes, i work at home, so probably won't need one much, but i would like to be able to take care of things on my own occasionally. and, yes, i am suffering from vehicle envy. my neighbors have 2 or 3 cars. the teachers i worked with all had decent, fairly new cars. there's no bus system worth talking about out here because everyone drives. my husband drives all week and pretty much hates driving any other time. and i hate having to rely on him to go get things. he usually doesn't mind, but there are days where asking him to run to the store results in general crankiness.

and, yes, today was one of those days. how did you guess?

with my focus on being healthier and trying out (and enjoying!) bento type lunches, i need healthier options to pack into them. this also means some of the food gets eaten quickly--fresh fruits, my cheeses, and so on. i do use a lot of leftovers, if we have any, but we're going by the old (mayo clinic) food pyramid that has the fruits and veggies on the bottom, so i use more of those than the meats and grains we tend to eat heavily at dinner. we don't buy huge quantities at once and i do "share" with the kids, so the fruits and veggies in particular go quickly. we've supplemented fresh with canned fruit packed in light juice, but it still goes quite fast.

i figured today saxy would go shopping since we were running low on milk and a few other things we use almost daily, but he apparently hadn't planned on it. which means, when i asked about my babybel cheese and spirals for froggy, he got quite cranky about the need to go and pick things up. really, a second car that i could drive would allow me to just take a list and get whatever without having to bother him about it.

heck, getting rid of the truck and picking up the maxima we're purchasing would make things a lot easier. except on days when one of the kids has an appointment, but i'm sure we could manage around it. maybe. if i gave him enough warning. but i really wish we could just afford a second car instead. it would make my life easier and i'd generally irritate hub less if i could just run out and take care of things on my own.

the downside of one vehicle: irritating the husband when i need something. the downside of two vehicles: the cost. if i had a choice, it still wouldn't be a choice. as it is, i'm pretty much stuck with irritating the husband.


at least he got over it fairly quickly...this time. but that may have had something to do with being able to buy himself something for lunch. *rolls eyes*


word of the moment: enduring

lasting, durable.

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Since July 9, 2000

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