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sunday, january 7, 2001
get ready, get set, go!

tomorrow is THE day. early mornings, long days, the syllabus nightmare (you want us to do HOW much in 8 weeks???), all that starts 5:15 a.m. tomorrow. the days are only long because i have to use the bus to get around. i have to be on the 7 a.m. bus to make my 8 a.m. class, and won't be home until 1 or 1:30 p.m. at the earliest. and they are long days because of the time i am getting up. after all, the world doesn't start turning until 10! maybe my next quarter will be at more reasonable hours, which is hard since i am working my school schedule around my son's as much as i would a job schedule. but we shall see.

i spent half the day sleeping. which is pretty amazing in its own way. i usually only need 5 or 6 hours. after that, my back hurts. so i generally try not to sleep too long if i can help it. but last night i was wiped out after all that shopping. so i went to bed early. instead of getting up early, i slept in. not only that, i slept in and woke up without a back ache. all i can think is i really must have needed it.

it may also help that saxy killed his play station the other day and there isn't a single ps1 in town at all, so there was nothing to help keep me awake. (we did locate some ps2's, so if you're local and want one i can tell you where, but it may cost you something.)

for the rest of the day i putzed. i worked a bit on my site, added a new ring i will be managing, read mail, surfed a little. nothing big. well, except for cleaning out my closet. time to get rid of all the stuff that is too small (one day i would LOVE to go in the opposite direction, but not holding my breath on that one!). but still school has been in the back of my mind. the kids came in from church, i thought they were coming home from school. the startled looks to "why are you home so early?" were priceless (but i don't have a camera, so lost to photo-history). so even though i tried not to think about it, it was still there, hovering in the back of my mind like some kind of ghost just waiting for the right moment to reveal itself.

i have about 2 years left (single major, double minor - time wise, might as well be a double major). i hope i survive it.

and still no cheesecake.

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Since July 9, 2000

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