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we can see!
monday, march 18, 2013

well, mostly. there's a lot of adjustment going on, especially for me and saxy. he's having trouble figuring out where to tilt his head to see what he needs to. i'd think it would be hard enough to get your first pair of glasses when you're older; it has to be really difficult when your first pair of glasses are bifocals. plus, they messed up the order and forgot to give him the transitions, so driving is uncomfortable for him. he has said he's noticed a difference, and people are clearer with than without, but he's also mentioned that the glasses are aggravating. i keep telling him he'll get used to them, but what do i know—i've had glasses since i was 5. he does take occasionally breaks from them. hopefully those will get shorter as time goes on. and we are going to take care of the missing transitions.

my glasses are both better and worse than the ones from lens crafters. better because as long as it's not the computer, things are definitely sharper. i'm struggling a little to find my best points in some cases as well, but overall, definitely more on point. for the computer, however, not so much. i'm really struggling to figure out the best spot for working on the laptop, and since i do almost all my work on the laptop, this is really not good. i've also noticed the adjustment from laptop to paperwork is harder. i honestly don't know if i should mention it when we go in and take care of the transitions problem for saxy. we can't pay for a new exam or new lenses, so i'm not sure what the point would be except to bitch. i guess i can mention it and see what our options are, if any. if not, hopefully we can figure out what's up next year. really, the optometrist didn't seem to try much in terms of flipping lenses with me, which was odd, and he was really fascinated with my right eye. for now, i've increased the text size on my screen, which may be something i'll have to live with. i do know the optometrist was wrong about one thing. he kept insisting i was holding reading material as close as i do when i read without my glasses out of habit. so i tried to pull back to where he thought it should be. uh, no. could not read. but whatever. i'll read at the distance that's comfortable for me and let him think whatever he wants. :P

taz picked out these frames that make him look very geeky, and he's very proud of them. he does better with the tv, but he's still blind like a teenager when asked to find something. lol so far, though, there's been no complaints, and he seems to be taking care of them.

froggy's glasses have gotten her "sexy librarian" comments from kids at school. she wears them more often than not and hasn't complained about them, but even she seems to take breaks from them every now and then. course, she's the one person in the group who actually can. the optometrist did indicate that if the cost were too high, she'd be okay a little longer without them.

so, all things considered, i guess the new glasses have gone pretty well. the one definite mess up is annoying but not nearly as much as you would think. it was quiet when we got there, and they fit us in between appointments. during the time we were being seen, it got really busy. and while we were finalizing our order, another customer was insistent on breaking in to get what she needed. and there were the discounts and everything (a ton of them). so i'm impressed only one thing was missed in the chaos. the woman helping us maybe should have insisted the woman wait until she was done with us, but at the same time, we were a walk-in, so i don't know. i think the woman being so insistent was rude.

anyway, we know we can get the problem fixed. unfortunately, we do have to pay for it, but i suppose that's to be expected. it wasn't even on the order, so it wasn't paid for the first time around. it would be nice if they gave us a break for the mess up, but this does fall under medical, and we all know what kind of breaks we can expect there. i'm just glad we were able to get things taken care of. we get this one adjustment done, we should be okay for at least the next year. and walmart will replace broken glasses up to three times. hoping next year we're in just as good a place to get new glasses. then we'll each have good new glasses and a second replacement set. would be nice if none of us needed a new prescription, but we'll see. as we've seen in recent years, A LOT can happen in a year for this family.

but for now, we can see...mostly.


word of the moment: chatoyant
having a changeable luster or color with an undulating narrow band of white light

  this day in...
2000 . 2001 . 2002
2003 . 2004 . 2005
2006 . 2007 . 2008
2009 . 2010 . 2011


. ? 100 Things # . real eyes . BlogTree
family tree . chimera
.:| Year of Reading |:.


one year at a time
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words count : journeys


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Since July 9, 2000

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