you know, it's very weird to not have disaster around every corner when i post an entry here at whysper. not complaining about itit's nice to not be in constant panic, save me now modeit's just...weird. we still have a long way to go to get out of the hole we were in, especially since some of the things i'd planned to take care of ended up not being as in the budget as i hoped (looking at you, credit cards that still have balances and call me a dozen times a day), but we're managing to make our basic needs plus a few extras every now and then, which is a heck of a lot more than we could do in toxic house.
taz is doing really well. his teacher is impressed with how well he's advancing, and after a rocky beginning with her, we all seem to be on the same page as to what he needs. she's been very agreeable about working on skills we've been having trouble with at home, so he's working on folding and put things away neatly. he's finally taking a little more time with the vacuuming and doing a decent job. now i just have to get him to stop trying to kill the clothes washer. lol
on the opposite of doing well is froggy. her grades are up, but i think she's about given up on school. her plans right now appear to be to finish out this year, get a job, and take the g.e.d. the problem is she has more math classes to recoup than she has years she can go to school, and we can't pay the $250+ required per class for summer school. she also appears to have completely given up on fashion design and wants to go into tattooing now. sounds like to me she's still trying to figure herself out and where she wants to go in life. thing is, we agreed to take her in so she could go to school. if she's not in school, she needs to find a job (which will be difficult with tattooed knuckles) and make arrangements to move. this was our agreement when she moved in, and the place really doesn't have the space for her. saxy's more irritated about her stuff being piled in the corners than i am, and i'd be fine with her staying as long as she contributed (which she does, minimally, but she does) and kept moving forward. but he's right about the place being crowded.
i had to take a short break from the exercise and meal plan and reevaluate the balance. i was doing too much exercise, not losing weight, and not getting anything else done. went back into it today. i never thought i'd turn into a walker or an exercise buff, but i'm feeling better, doing more, and miles away from where i was this time last year. dragon*con will be so much better now that i can walk 5-8 miles a day. ;)
it's otherwise pretty quiet. hubs is doing really well at work, though we're still waiting on that raise (and could really sue it) and he's having not so great time with the crazy amount of hours. he's not had time for bold for months and is still putting in 45-60 hours a week (and usually 50+). he really could use that raise to take a day off every now and then. lol
my books are still on the go-round. it's frustrating, but i keep doing it and keep writing. as long as i'm home with boyo, might as well.
how's that? not a truly depressing word in sight. granted, froggy's situation isn't rosy, but at least she has a plan. we're all just cruising along, enjoying the lack of panic and being able to keep a roof overhead and food in the mouth without frantically trying to make ends meet and not drown. it's a nice place, and there's some nice scenery for once. i'll take cruising.
word of the moment: chatoyant
having a changeable luster or color with an undulating narrow band of white light