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give me them all
downward turn
thursday, may 12, 2011

this is not a happy entry. this is a vent, a very unhappy vent. things have taken a downward spiral in a bad way, so you may want to skip this.

after such a good, if scattered, early week, things have gone to hell. that i've gotten sick is the least of our worries. we've once again gone to hell financially, and this is an implosion i can't do anything about.

we lost our cable this week. it's the smallest of the bills we have, and i could pay it...if we didn't want to eat, have gas in the car, or parking money for next week. so even though it's good for my son and keeps the grand baby out of trouble, we have to let it go. besides, we have bigger problems right now.

like a $400 gas bill i need to pay in the next 2-3 weeks (with rent coming due in the next 2, yea, that'll happen...not!). and it's that big because i'm an idiot and missed a payment arrangement because i have no memory and we've been struggling with money (again) this month. i'm not seeing us making it, which means the gas will be cut off and we'll have to come up with even more money to get it back, which we won't be able to do.

then there's my cat, vagner. he once again has blood in his urine. we're going to try switching to another brand of urinary track cat food, but it's getting tot he point where he needs a vet, antibiotics, and maybe surgery...a $500 surgery. if a different food doesn't help clear him up, i may just have to put him down, because dying from this thing would be slow and miserable for him. but then, putting him down probably costs more than we can afford.

but the biggest mess is hubs schooling. we're $1100 behind on payments. they've locked him out of registration. he hasn't talked to them yet, but i suspect we're pretty well screwed with getting him back in. if he can't register, he can't finish. he could finally work full time, but his current job isn't enough to really keep us afloat, and at least one of the girls has plans to move out in august. plus he was hoping the portfolio show would lead him to a better job.

so, right this moment, i need $2000. no one i know has $2000, much less $2000 they can part with in time for me to keep everything afloat.

we are so screwed.


word of the moment: argosy

a large ship; especially : a large merchant ship; a fleet of ships; a rich supply

. ? 100 Things # .


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Since July 9, 2000

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