before i get into the news of the day: saxy is scheduled for a second interview at red lobster on wednesday afternoon. that window is opening a little wider. keep sending good vibes/prayers/whatever our way that he gets the job. we really, REALLY need it. and as someone else pointed out, it's about damn time we got a decent break. :P
with that out of the way, on to the scheduled journal post for the day....
i was raised in snow. i lived in maryland and ohio when i was a kid, and both got decent amounts of snow in the winter, and i lived in the mountains in so cal when i was a teenager, and that could get 6' in one day. so, me and snow? not friends but well acquainted. as a kid, i loved it. as an adult, not so much. heck, just the cold is a problem since it seems to magnify my aches. but even with all that, i handle snow better than most southerners. georgia gets an inch of snow (at least where i live) maybe twice a year, and even that little shuts everything down. it's always surprised me since, to me, an inch isn't a lot of snow. and it seems to come fairly consistently. maybe they don't get snow every day of winter, but they do get snow, so being prepared in some way would make sense, but it always seems to take them by surprise.
anyway, last night we got A LOT more than an inch. that sucker hit and the snow was coming down in a big way. now, it still was only enough snow to make ohioans go "whatever", but for georgia? it's a scary amount of snow. and since georgians can barely drive in rain, much less snow and ice, i made up my mind early that the kids were staying home, even if gwinett county decided not to close the schools (g.c. tends to be the last one to close or the only one open on any given "holy shit!" day). gwinnett was the last school of the night to get listed as closed last night, but eventually both the kids and and my adult students were freed from the constraints of school. kitten is currently stuck at a friend's house in dunwoody. jewel had to go to work, but may end up overnighting there. the younger kiddos and saxy are home. in an amazing preemptive strike, gwinnett is already listed as closed tomorrow as well. so, we are officially snowed in with just a few inches of snow. heck, apparently a state of emergency has been declared. on a few inches of snow!
at least it makes for pretty pictures....
our house.
the front yard
this tree, on our side lot between us and the neighbor, has beautiful white flowers in spring
note: no snow plow has been through, and i doubt one will be
also have no idea about mail delivery
icicles on the front of the house
a lot with a tree across the way from us
the kids, of course, are fascinated. they weren't raised in and have never really seen much snow before now...and don't have all the problems us adults have with it. kitten is apparently tromping around in it at her friend's and loving it, if her facebook updates are to be believed.
me, i'll just stay curled up in the bed, writing, eating saxy's wonderful mexican food, and just trying to keep warm. a warm blanket, a good book, an occasional movie, popcorn, tea or hot chocolate, that's how you should spend the days when you're snowed in. and in this house, you wear flannel and try not to think of the heating bill that's coming in next month.
so glad that even the georgia version of being snowed is doesn't happen all that often even if it doesn make for a pretty landscape.
word of the moment: anaphase
the stage of meiosis or mitosis when chromosomes move toward opposite ends of the nuclear spindle