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baby steps
sunday, january 10, 2010

it's been a busier week than i expected, but things seem to finally be settling in to our version of normal. sort of. hard for it to be totally normal when there are so many people in the house, but we're getting there.

we finally got youngest registered on thursday. we were supposed to have this all done on monday, but the new school told us she needed her immunizations on a different form. had the previous school mentioned this, we would have taken care of it over break, but it went unmentioned and we had to figure out how to get it done in a hurry without cost. kaiser got her in early tuesday, but for various reasons, we got to the school too late to register her. we couldn't go up wednesday because we didn't have enough gas and no money, but one of jewel's friends brought us some cash that night, so i took her in early thursday and we finally got it taken care of. there was a bit of a snafu on her transportation home, but it got resolved and she made it home...just a few hours late. then she got friday off because of snow. and it wasn't even that much snow, but i come from ohio and the california mountains where when they talk about snow and snow days, they mean snow and lots of it.

friday was busy in a good way. first, saxy went to the unemployment office to find out what was going on with his unemployment. since he had won the appeal (and we were notified of that on christmas eve), but we hadn't seen even a weekly check, much less the back pay, he was pretty concerned. he waited 4 hours, but was told a check (not which check, of course, just a check) would be mailed on tuesday. hopefully this is the back pay check, which will be used to pay off the rest of our rent and a few other things. unfortunately, it will not do as much as we thought because it will be about $300 less than we thought and there are a few other things that have to be taken care of. like...auto insurance. and we need that printer for all the students in the house. as much as we look at it and think it's not important, with 3 out of the 4 current students needing to be able to print stuff, it is important. unfortunately, since we think the check is going to be smaller than what we originally figured, it probably won't cover a number of other bills, including reestablishing our cable service. but we'll see.

after that, we picked up jewel's check and linnorm deposited his child support and some help money. we got a bank note for a chunk of the rent that's back due and then did a major shopping trip. problem with the major shopping trip was that we'd scraped the cupboards dry so it actually didn't help as much as it could have if we'd had all our staples already. still we've got more food in the house and only have a few small things to pick up. i also paid our car payment, part of our auto insurance payment, and a past due on the gas (that bill is finally starting to creep up because temps have been in the teens of late; even 4 blankets doesn't help much with that). we also took all but one of the kids out to dinner (her choice, she had other plans) because the last 6 months have been hell and we all needed it. it didn't stop the bickering the next day, but for that couple of hours, we had good food, lots of fun, and laughter. it was just nice to get away from the house and to not have to think of all the usual things we think about.

so, we're making baby steps forward, and i'm feeling a lot better about getting us to the point where we're not having to juggle more than what's usual for us. and while i want things to get better than that for the future, right now, the usual is all i'm asking for.

word of the moment: exurb

a region or settlement that lies outside a city and usually beyond its suburbs and that often is inhabited chiefly by well-to-do families


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Since July 9, 2000

"Rhysa and the Dragon" © 2001 - 2020 by Amanda Penrose and created exclusively for Denyse "domynoe" Loeb; All Rights Reserved. Not be duplicated, copied, uploaded to another server, linked to, or used for any other purpose other than viewing while visiting the domynoes network and affiliated domains. In other words, it was made for me, I paid for it, it is mine, hands (and mice) off. This website has been optimized for 800x600 and 1024x768 monitor resolutions.

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