and jump!
monday, june 4, 2007 |
sometimes it amazes me that life can change so quickly, you hardly know what hit you. oh, not huge changes here, nothing anyone can really see anyway; but embarking on a new journey is always a huge change.
yes, i took the internship. i'm seriously flying without a net here, and it's scary.
like most internships, this one is unpaid, although i can earn money on "out sourced" projects that i get assigned. it's part time, but for 3 months. one hour per week must be in office, and that makes it impossible for me to take a teaching job at this time -- i'd have to start in july or august and the hours aren't conducive to me going to the office at any time.
hub and i had to talk about it before i accepted. that not being paid thing is kinda scary. okay, a lot scary. i posted to an editors journal about it to get some advice, and the general advice was to take it. for one, this is a publishing/marketing internship, and it could lead into a ft/p position. an internship would be a fantastic boost to my resume, and gives me the greatest chance to get into editing/publishing. then there's my age. at any age, taking a job to tide you over until you can get into what you really want to do sucks. at my age, you might as well forget what you really want to do if you don't take the leap when it's offered.
finally, as much as the job would offer security, and i'd do a good job at it, teaching would make me miserable. for the first year or two, i'd never be home, and i already know i'd not be happy. maybe it would be different if that last group of long-term kids hadn't wiped me out, but it probably would have caught up with me eventually. better to have it do so before i'm locked into a 3 year contract with the district. i can still sub, though i still think that subbing is pretty worthless to us.
everything just pointed to taking the internship. we're no worse off now than we were before i took it, and i have a chance to do something i really want to be doing rather than a second choice job i really don't want. i'll still be looking for freelance stuff as well, so i might manage to land a project or two on my own. this is only part time, and i can deal with that.
mind you, i'm pretty damn sure i'll be regretting the decision more than once as summer takes our already skewed finances through a traditionally low period (right about the time i would start working again, actually), but i've canceled the school interview this week and made the commitment. thursday i go to a book signing for one of their authors and learn more about the internship and the team i'll be working with.
we also finally bought a car so we can get rid of the truck. when kitten visits in a couple of weeks, she'll pay for the insurance so we can get it registered, then we will officially turn the truck of doom back over to mcat. hopefully she'll also be able to get us transferred onto her cell service. then i can hand my phone over to mcat entirely. saxy will need to keep his until he finds another job, but i have faith that will come about quickly enough. mcat has some unhappy people ready to branch off because of the paycheck messes, and it has been generally agreed that every construction job needs a saxy, so i'm relatively sure anyone who does branch out on their own would be happy to have him work for them. and he's still looking for other work as well.
something mcat seems to have forgotten in his business model: happy employees generally translates into happy customers which = more jobs and more money. instead, he pays himself first, tells his employees he can't pay them, then goes off on trips (this past week it was england). to be fair, i'm sure his wife pays for most, if not all, the trips (i know she's paying for most the work on the house they bought and are fixing up), but it's still a problem. my understanding is that he already has a not so great rep in the business. soon no one will work for him and he'll be out looking for work like everyone else. unlike everyone else, the way he is with people might make it harder for him to get work. (i really don't see him working for anyone else really, either -- he just doesn't strike me as the work for other people kind of guy, especially after owning his own business.)
the important things are right on that edge, it seems. internship just starting with no idea what it will bring in terms of knowledge and experience (especially with it being primarily a telecommuting thing), car bought but needed insurance and registration, hub still looking but with promising leads . . . we're definitely jumping into something different. really hoping it's a good different. really, really hoping.
on a couple of side notes: yesterday was whysper's 7th birthday. 7 years. i can't believe it. but way cool. i have to say i actually didn't expect much of an online journal. hell, i didn't expect it to last, much less last 7 years! a ton of abandoned paper journals seemed to imply that i just wasn't a journaler. but whysper has become one of the most important things in my life. here's where i feel freest to express my joys, sorrows, fears, flaws, everything. i don't know if it will be around for another 7 years, but i do hope so. and, one day, the plan is to move it onto it's own site. i have the domain, just need to get the space.
maybe when the internship is over, if i get something ft/p out of it or because of it. we shall see. that's going to be another change in my life, and i have no idea which way i'll be jumping.
second, today is vagner's 4th anniversary in our home. he's grown, gone from sweet and cuddly to not cuddly at all back to a nice middle ground on the cuddly. he's even still playful . . . some of the time.
napping with his best bud, logan
king kitty (right after he took a swipe at the camera phone, lol)
i'm really glad we took the chance on him. he's my baby all the way.
now time to jump and finish supper and take a break from the machine. ;)
word of the moment: accension
the act of kindlingor setting on fire, or the state of being kindled; inflammation; ignition |
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