a couple of things have relieved some of the stress and pressure. we're still in a bit of a back against the wall, "you want me to pay what by when?" situation, but it's looking a little better. exhausting, with all the juggling i'm going to do for a bit to keep things going, but better.
the first thing is that linnorm has agreed to increase the child support for the two kids that are still under 18. i don't often ask for the child support to go up because he's usually really good about going the extra mile for the kids, but as noted above, my back has been put against a wall. food prices and utilities are all going up, and we're already in a point where it's near impossible for our family to keep up. the last time i asked for a child support increase was two or three years ago, so i figured it was due. i did have to accept less than what i would have wanted, but that's all a part of the negotiations between us: finding a balance between what the kids and i need and what he can afford. the good news for him is that the new agreement between us is just until the end of the year, then youngest is no longer going to get child support (he's agreed to support taz until he's 22 minimum since taz isn't moving out...ever). he and i will need to have another discussion about it all then (and i was actually hoping to wait till then to have any discussion at all, but the most recent implosion made that impossible) since we're looking at a loss of income we still won't be able to afford. the good news? saxy will be able to work full time, and we can, hopefully, make up some of that loss with that.
all of which is better left to a later time. no wheel spinning nowgot more than enough to deal with without having to borrow from the future. :P
the second item had some interesting timing. saxy and i were actually discussing using next year's taz return to find a smaller, cheaper place to live. there are issues with that (such as not being able to take much of our current furniture without also bringing along unwelcome guests), but it would be the best time to look into it since we'd have a larger chunk of money to pay first/last/deposit plus any pet deposits (we'd still have a dog and four cats). there were a whole bunch of other things that need to be taken care of i had hoped to use the money for, but with the girls all anxious to get out, we wouldn't need a three bedroom anymore.
anyway, so we're talking and oldest comes home and tells us that something came up with big-t's family and they aren't moving after all. we won't go into the whole "his folks need help and the move gets delayed, your parents need help and it's screw you" or how it was a circumstance rather than a decision that delayed the move, we'll just be kinda snarky glad that we're getting our three months. :P
which actually leaves us in a bit of a dilemma about the tax return. the original ideas for it were to get a better car (or do repairs on what we have), get real mattresses (that have no holes, deep valleys, or springs biting the crap out of our skin when the towels slip, and that is making my back worse and making me wake up feeling bruised all over), and get me a laptop so i'm not dependent on any of the kids (and all this doesn't even count the continuing dental problems for me, needs for clothing, saxy's need for books and chef coats, and a ton of other things that have had to be put off over the years). problem is, if we do all that then the girls move out, we'll be floundering for what remains of the year to the next tax tax return (which may not be as big). if we decide to use it for a move, the girls will all need to have places to go regardless.
but i guess that's borrowing more wheel spinning way earlier than need to. the goal now is to get the husband graduated and into a better job, if he can find one.
for now, we have some good developments. we'll survive. granted, the cable is still gone at this point, but we're in a better position financially. now, i just have to make sure the kids survive. the girls are all over each other about a lot of things, and survival may be in question. heck, i just want to get through another six months of crazy.
be careful what you wish for?
word of the moment: argosy
a large ship; especially : a large merchant ship; a fleet of ships; a rich supply