i didn't mean to skip the last few weeks, but i never seemed able to find the time to get to an entry. it was like every week started on the right foot but began to fall apart by the middle of the week. by the end of the week i was in the weedstoo much left to do and not enough crossed off my to do lists. and i honestly can't say what threw me off except for last week. the rest of the time, i honestly can't point out what got in the way. i didn't go anywhere. until this week, my sleep wasn't interrupted so i started my days pretty much on time. but somehow the days spiraled out of control and not enough was getting done. by weekends, even my diet was in freefall. i've gained back 3 pounds fighting cold weather munchies and easter candy over the last couple of weeks. my writing suffered as well, but there i'm sure it was a switch in focus from the novel i've deadlined for this fall to some other writing that took the focus off the novel. i'm fixing that by making sure my focus is back on the book.
really hoping i can get back on track this week, but we'll see.
things have generally been going well otherwise. i finally got my new glasses, but not without some issues which i'm sure are related to having my previous pair for over ten years. oh, and the old glasses being twice the size of the new ones. since it had been over a decade since i last saw an optometrist, they did pretty much everything on the exam that my insurance covers, including the dilation test. took forever for those drops to wear off and i had a headache by that time. i've also had a lot of difficulty dealing with the change in wear the vision changes in the lens. i'm having to tilt my head just right to put my eyes in just the right place, depending on how far what i'm trying to read is. by evening, i choose to read without my glasses because my eyes get tired with them on. next year i'll probably go for a larger lens/frame. since the glasses won't be over a decade old, i can go to target for cheaper out of pocket costs (i'd go to walmart, but it's not on my plan) since i won't need them as quickly.
i've been experimenting with new recipes a bit more than i expected this month. saxy has been buried in work and school (lobsterfest is great for hours...if you're not also in school; he's had no time to breathe), leaving me with the dinner more often than not. we've had to schedule his kitchen nights. he's not been happy with that, especially since he's really starting to think about his menu for when he opens his own place, but there's no other option. mondays are the only day he's guaranteed to have off school and work. when he manages to get the rare other night home in time, he takes over then as well, but usually homework takes priority. i guess we should be thankful he only has 2 terms left for school. he really is running ragged right now, poor guy. but i also have to admit that i'm having a lot of fun playing with the food. and, no, this hasn't been the problem with my weight. too many calories, usually because of sweets and late night eating, have been the problem. admittedly, the cooking has taken a chunk of time out of my days as well, and usually a chunk out of my motivation as well, but i'm loving working with the fresh ingredients we've been using (the farmer's market is making them so affordable). and the food tastes so much better than what i was doing before.
baby cat turned 4 on the 6th. kitten had planned a big birthday for her, but things fell apart last minute when one friend moved out of the area and another friend decided against hosting the party. we ended up doing something here at the house, but it really felt more like a get together for mama and her bf than a birthday for the baby girl. i'm sure that will change when she gets into kindergarten. there was cake and ice cream and singing and presents, so i guess it was enough of a party for her. she's been quite taken with her new electronic toys. somehow that doesn't surprise me. lol
froggy got hit with what seemed like her annual bronchitis this past week. she was getting sick every winter until last year, so i had hoped she was growing out of it. when she started coughing last week, i was worried that maybe that wasn't the case. since she seemed to be getting worse rather than better, we took her into urgent care. the doctor thinks the problem might be allergies irritating her lungs the way asthma does mine. she now has an inhaler and it does seem to be helping. so maybe she's outgrown the bronchitis after all.
don't ask about school. same problems, new targets for blame. she's decided she wants to try online school, assuming a friend of hers gets her the laptop they said they would.
lots of bits and pieces, nothing really enough to derail me like it all seems to have managed to do. i'd promise to not do it again, but i'm finding that's a promise i can't be sure to keep. hopefully getting refocused writing wise will help me get the rest of the routine back in place.
it would probably help if the weather stopped dipping back into winter every couple of days too.
for now, though, the other limitation on my time has appeared: oldest is home and wants the laptop back some time soon. and really, that's the biggest problem for me time-wise. really have to start prioritizing better so the oopses go away.
word of the moment: sanderling
a common, small shore bird (Crocethia alba) related to the sandpipers, having predominantly gray and white plumage inhabiting sandy beaches