it's hard to believe there's only 2 months left in the year. i mean, really, where the hell did the year go? well, here's hoping next year is better for everyone because this year has sucked for almost everyone i know. and it was sucking before wall street meltdowns and $700 billion bailouts. the holidays are around the corner and, as usual, we're not at all sure we'll manage anything for christmas, but this year we're not alone, so i'm sure we're also not alone in being happy to see the backside of 2008.
anyway, the next few weeks are busy ones for me. things actually started picking up yesterday when i had to make a run to the bank, but they really take a notch up this weekend. we're getting the house cleaned up and child proofed because kitten and baby cat will be here tomorrow. i have to leave at 4:30 AM to be at the airport at 5:30 AM to pick them up (and this on the night when we set the clocks back here's hoping i don't arrive hours too early!).
yesterday evening, youngest spent the time cleaning up and preparing the room for them getting all the small things up and out of the way, making space for a crib/playpen, and so on. today is pretty much dedicated to getting the rest of the house taken care of, and in a bit i need to make a kroger run. and, yes, it does need to all get done today because we'll have a toddler in the house before anyone else is up on sunday. a toddler. do you know how long it's been since i've dealt with a toddler? way too long...something like 12 years.
and this next week or two will be really busy as well. lilley is getting ready for the next release, plus we have a holiday book coming out right after that. so i'm working on the galleys of two novels, one of which is really short so not a problem, and the edits of a third on very tight deadlines. this means an almost total focus on editing work no personal writing time until these are done and ready to go.
and in the middle of all this? thanksgiving. now, thanksgiving isn't a huge deal for us. we tend to serve an untraditional dinner (no turkey for us!), and the biggest part of the celebration is putting up the tree. but this year we'll actually have a reason to put a little bit more thought into it, assuming we can find a way to afford doing so. this will be the first holiday season that baby cat will be aware of the celebrations.
and everyone knows children really bring something special to the holidays. there's just nothing that comes close to the joy and wonder on a child's face. this will also be the first year we can begin to pass along our holiday traditions.
so, busy weeks ahead. i'm glad i'm finally getting over being sick i've been down all week, but i really can't afford any more time in bed and getting over something. this thing has had me in bed all week. with everything i need to get taken care of over the next two months, definitely can't afford any more bed time. just too damn busy.