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meh week
sunday, january 27, 2008


it's been one of those unimpressive weeks. not really a bad week (though i do seem to be coming down with some sinus crap and keep spotting), but nothing really to write about either. it's just been...blah. i've slept a bit more than usual, which i assume comes from the sinus crud, and not gotten as much done in my editing as i would like (lost a whole day to napping, actually), more than likely for the same reason.

saxy's back at work, but it's going to take a bit of time to catch up from almost a month of no work. he's a bit frustrated with how slow it goes--he's managing to buy food, but we've had to push back disconnection dates as much as possible. i think he's also a bit bored since there's no cable right now (he's so not into reading). this weekend he was going to work on putting new music on my shuffle, then ended up working yesterday and today we had to do some work on his computer (which, even after everything we did, still may need to be reformatted).

i, on the other hand, spent my weekend doing admin stuff for dii. and working on his computer. and am now doing a little advanced cooking for our lunches--not sure how much of that i'll actually get done since we couldn't pick up all the ingredients i need. i need to make some containers of carrot and celery sticks too. it will make my evening lunch prep easier if the food is pretty much ready to go. right now, lunch prep can take an hour or two. cutting that down would be really nice, especially since i do it in the evenings. and not having a backache every night because i've been working on food would be nice too.

but, really, that's been about it. the only exciting thing happening to me lately is xenosaga III. how sad is that? on the other hand, xIII has a better setup and story line overall than xII, and much better graphics than xI, so at least it's been interesting. i'm really enjoying it...perhaps a bit too much. ;)

hopefully, this next week the crud will go away, the minor spotting will stop, the productivity will go up, and i'll sell something. two meh weeks in a row would just be...well...even more meh.

and we just can't have that now, can we?


word of the moment: dissolute

unrestrained by convention or morality; acking restraint; marked by indulgence in things deemed vices

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.:| Year of Reading |:.


Since July 9, 2000

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