last week was...something else. people getting sick, food stamps cards gone awry (and still awry), eviction notices (not us), and so on like something crazy. i spent the last four days of it curled up either on bed or on the couch thinking about working on my current novel and not really doing anything. something about being sick just shuts the brain down. for the first two days, i slept a lot. i mean, A LOT. as in 10 hour stretches at a time. it seems to be passing, but now taz and saxy have it. stupid sick.
as for the rest, the eviction was avoided. and for the food stamps, we're waiting on a replacement card, which may now be delayed by a change in address, assuming she doesn't have to re-request it because of the address change. we're scraping by in the meantime, using as little cash as we can until it gets here.
thank goodness friday's check should do a good deal towards getting us back on an even keel. won't take care of it completely, but we should be back on track with a few things. saxy's next week looks just as crazy, so i think in another check or two, we should be somewhere close to where we were at the end of last year when it comes to managing the money. another bit of good news with the money: if i've done it right, we should actually be getting a tax return. my only question is where the 1099 money goes. i know it's not from a farm, it really wasn't from a business (they were paid like self-contractors, but they were actually employees), so that left the third option of the 1040. but when i get the actual get it, we'll see. hoping we get the paperwork soon but not holding my breath.
youngest is now officially living with us (on the lease and everything). we just figured it would provide her a much more stable household and address. she has 5 months left in her current year, and she has to make up 3 different math classes to graduate. not sure how she'll manage the latter, but we want to make sure she has the opportunity to manage it without having to worry about whether or not she has a roof over head.
so, we're managing. money could be better, but we're scraping by, and things should be easier soon. we've not caught the flu, and what we did catch is making its rounds and is a great deal less serious. saxy has a review coming up for el taco, which we're thinking should go well. there's still things for him to learn, but he's finally on more than 2 days a week and should get some more line experience along the way. and his chefs have been very helpful, so i can't imagine there will be any problems with it.
things are peaceful for now. kinda like it that way, even if it means boring journal entries. really don't need the kind of crazy we've had over the last few years. that was a whole different kind of scraping.
word of the moment: chatoyant
having a changeable luster or color with an undulating narrow band of white light