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rogue bottom
saturday, march 1, 2008


things will get worse before they get better, it appears. i've called to prevent yet another disconnection and we will be paying $100/week to the gas company just to pay off the bill we currently have (and a new bill generates on the 11th). we'll be able to pay rent next week, just barely, but we'll be thin on food for the next 10 days. and we somehow have to do laundry at the tune of $14-$30/week (depending on what needs to be done and what we can get away with not doing). saxy being sick for a few days has put us in a bad place, me not being able to work a "real" job has us in a bad place, and rock bottom seems to be coming up pretty fast.

mcat offered to let us rent his condo, but that has problems all its own. no space, having to take my son out of the best school system for him, the fact that it would still be up for sale on the market, and other issues that do not make the lower rent as attractive as it probably should be. i'd like to get out of the place we're in to a better place with lower rent, or at least better insulation etc so the utilities are lower, but i need to keep taz in his current school system or i risk his development. he's done astoundingly well out here. i don't want to risk how well he does in the future or, worse, have him regress. some things are more important than money, even when the money looks really bad.

i know it will get better. we're done with the flu, and saxy's work should start picking up now, it's just hard to wait for things to get better. especially when things look so bad.

in the midst if all this comes a little bundle of warm, furry distraction with a purr that won't quit. saxy rescued a little calico for me. she's friendly for a street kitten--too friendly, actually, which is one of the reasons saxy picked her up. it's far too easy for the typical, skittish wild cat to get hurt or hit. it's amazing a little one (i'd estimate her at maybe 10 weeks) this friendly hasn't suffered serious injury. she's quite the talker. i was going to name her phoenix, but, with the bit of white that goes up one side of her face--a kind of a streak in the midst of calico patterning--he's probably right that rogue would work better.

i think i've mentioned it before: nothing beats the loving purr of a cat. no matter how down you are, that always makes everything seem better.

somehow we'll make it out of this mess, and even manage to get the washer we need and take the newest family member to the vet. it may be a bit, but we'll manage it. the bottom may be close, but we aren't there yet.


word of the moment: ergomania

excessive devotion to work especially as a symptom of mental disorder; a passion for working, esp. excessive; also called workaholism

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Since July 9, 2000

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