someone on another journal mentioned that they got their tax return a good 5 days early, so guess what i've been watching for? is it here yet? no. and that's getting just plain depressing. why is it others get their returns early, but we're lucky to get it on time. i want it here so we can deal with this freaking financial business and be over and done with it. meh. stoopid i.r.s. don't they know my checking account needs this money? double meh.
and then there's froggy. she has pinworms. pinworms! jeeze. there went our $15 to meds. i love my kids, but why don't they listen to what i say? we say clean up. do they? half the time. we say make sure to clean up really well in the tub. do they? okay, so jewel is a bit more hygienic conscious than the other 2. what is it with parental wisdom that makes it anathema to kids? meh.
i could have worked today. got a call and everything! but i had to take froggy to her doctor's appointment and don't even get the dubious luxury of eating out with my husband, who also took the day off. meh.
for awhile there, only a year of reading was getting spammed, and generally by poker site ads. this past weekend, my booklog got hit. i banned the i.p. pretty quickly, but still, it was annoying. i also helped clean out 2 other journals at the .net that had been spammed by the same growth hormone/penis envy spammers as the booklog. meh.
my csoul picture disk still hasn't been returned with reasonable copies of my csoul pictures. meh.
i thought my period had finally been quashed by menopause. it's been 2 months since i've seen anything regular at all. heck, the last 2 months were barely even spotting! guess what i started this morning? meh.
and that asthmatic wheeze is back. we had this wonderfully dramatic weather last night that freaked out everyone except the husband (have i ever mentioned what a wimp i am when it comes to t-storms? old, old, old house + 2 preteen girls alone + thunderstorm that knocks out electricity = irrational fear of the whole thunder + lightening experience. meh). now, of course, it's sunny, but my usual triggers for my asthma don't seem to apply since the move - now all it needs to be is damp, forget cold! meh.
no, i'm not cranky. why do you ask?
it's not all trouble in paradise. not that we're in paradise or anything, but things aren't all bad. i finished the draft before my rough draft on book 3 and my revisions on chapter 14 of book 1. this is good stuff! this is progress!
and i found downloadable copies of orwell's animal farm and 1984, which saves me $10-$20 on books. that may not seem like a lot, but i have a lot of books to buy for this whole middle school praxis thing. that gave me two less to worry about in any way, shape, or form. well, okay, now i need a binder to put the printouts in, but that's about it and should be easy enough to find in this house! i'm also hoping to dig up copies of other books, but we'll see. not holding my breath since most the books i need were written too recently to be even remotely public domain in any way.
and vagner has been mr. snugly for most the weekend. nothing can beat a snugly, purring cat. it would also take a lot more meh's than this to take away the warm, fuzzy feeling a snugly, purring cat leaves behind.
i'm going to go and brag more about the novel and chapter accomplishments, and maybe even type up the finished revisions on that chapter. after that, i'll probably study some more for the praxis before trying to revise yet another chapter.
the praxis. meh.
word of the moment: campestral
of or relating to fields or open country; rural |
