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sunday, december 26, 2004

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to quote blade, though not from blade trinity, which sucked dirt. okay, not complete dirt. it was nice to see the guy who played john doe in something new, but he came off a bit stiff. the "we're vampires all the time" makeup really tanked, especially since neither of the first 2 films did it that way. miss whatshername vampire sucked. the actress was bad, her character was bad, her costuming was appalling. all the little extra vamps that were there just to be canon fodder, bad bad bad. BUT, jessica biel rocked, her toys rocked, and the one guy's one liners worked. snipes was given more than a few bad lines, lines that just did not fit with the blade character, but he did what he could with it, which means he did really well considering the material.

aaaaaanyway, be prepared for more such off topic chatter - i'm getting a little hyper. really. you can't tell?

norton's is finally completely and totally off this machine. the av just crashed tonight, wouldn't update, and tanked the machine in a minor way yet again. so i'm done with it. i'm trying a freebie av suggested by a friend, avg. we seriously can't afford anything right now. the account is in the red, hubby has a check, but it can't be deposited if we and our visitors are going to eat this week. we even just lost the cable for now. in 2 days i have to pay our electricity with air. so, since i can't go without av protection at all, free works. i'll go paid if it offers me something more than what free gives when i can afford it. maybe next summer.

as for the cable, well, at least we have video games.

the day has been full of busy work - catch up work. posting a crit, taking care of a few online things, submitting a story or two. my next task is to tackle my "ready to type" stuff for my world building and writing. good energy has me going. happy, she's gonna be here soon, energy. so, while i've tackled a lot for today, it's not been much of a problem getting most of it done. this is the kind of energy i wish i had every day, then work probably wouldn't put so nearly as big a dent in my writing as it currently does.

we talked with the kids about what to expect for tuesday. the girls have to set up a bed on the floor either for one of them or for their big sis (froggy has agreed to sleep on the floor, hope jewel and kitten don't mind being in the same bed for 4 days! lol). linnorm will be with taz - which ought to be fun. taz makes the rest of us look like we go to bed early. and he'll be all excited, which will make it harder for my 3 in the morning boy to get to sleep.

tomorrow everyone goes to bed early because we have to pick them up at 5:30 am, not that anyone actually go to sleep early (especially 3 am boy). now we were told that we probably wouldn't actually have to be there until 6, but i think we'd rather be there as close to 5:30 as possible. or at least aim for it. because we have to find parking, figure out the terminals, and figure out where we're supposed to actually catch up with them.

we may or may not have breakfast. i haven't managed to talk t linnorm about that. regardless, once we get home, we'll open their gifts to us, then kitten and linnorm will be allowed to nap (since their internal time clocks will think they landed at 2:30 instead of 5:30) while jewel, taz, and froggy watch a movie or two to keep them out of our visitors' hair. and more than likely that first day will just be spent here at the house together for most of us. saxy is working that day, but the man he'll be working for has said he can come in later in the morning/day.

jewel has only a few things left to do tomorrow - vacuuming being one of them, but for the most part the house is clean and ready.

and i'm trying to get my major tasks that have been in waiting off my plate so i can spend the next 4 days with my girl and not feel like i need to be doing other stuff too. granted, i may end up multitasking anyway, i almost can't function otherwise, but if there's a chance i can spend time with my girl and not need to multitask, then, man, i am gonna go for it!

my girl is coming! all the excitement is just building!

i just know i'm gonna drive people nuts tomorrow. lol

anyway, i'm trying to get the rest of this stack cleared so better get back to it. vagner's sleeping on his pillow at my feet again, so all is well with the world even if i'm getting a little too hyper to deal with.

apologies to all the friends who deal with me online tomorrow. but, really, this is soooooooooo exciting!

site of the moment:

ring/clique/fl of the moment:
word of the moment: definitive

serving to supply a final answer, solution, or evaluation and to end an unsettled unresolved condition; fixed and unalterable in opinion or judgment; most authoritative, reliable, and complete usually with the implication of final and perfected completeness or precision -- used of research, scholarship, or criticism especially of a biographical or historical study or of a text or edition of a literary work or author; serving to define or specify precisely; distinguishing; exact, express, and clearly defined; real, actual, and positive; definite; complete; fully developed; final; issued as a regular stamp for the country or territory in which it is to be used


Since July 9, 2000

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