for a week in which i haven't done much, it sure has gone by fast! it's also been kinda stressful in its own way. the moving thing is cool, but very scary too. but i think it's best for us and we're really getting into it. the ex will be getting us boxes and we've got a nice list of stuff to do and that we're doing, things that are being checked into, and everything seems to be clicking along nicely, actually.
but now, for some non-moving journaling! sort of . . . .
vagner will be a year old the first week of may, we think. he was given to us the first week of june, and we figure he was about 5 weeks old at the time. his first few months with us were kinda tough, infections and other problems from being without his mommy's milk. he slept mostly in my shirt and fit in the palm of my hand. he was such a little guy!
no more! even with a few months left to grow, he's almost as big as ororo. well, okay, there's still a lot of fur and he probably looks way bigger than he is, but he's definitely not a palm kitty any more. but with all that growing up, he's also finally becoming an independent kitty too. he used to snuggle under my neck in my arms several times a day. then he stopped for awhile. for the last few months the snuggles have stopped almost entirely.
until some time last week when he decided he needed snuggles at night again. i so missed those snuggle times. he has this wonderfully loud purr that drowns out just about everything else. there's just something about snuggling with a cat. he's still not so big on day time snuggles, but when i go to bed, there he is with me. i sometimes wish he would chill on the kneading, but usually i can redirect him to kneading the pillow rather than my neck. the last couple of days he's also come up for early morning snuggles. i've missed that with him growing up and becoming independent like.
i'm worried that he's going to stop snuggling again soon though. with the move, we have to get him used to a cat collar, carrier, and, eventually, a cat harness. the collaring was yesterday and he was an unhappy kitty! today he seems okay with the collar. but the carrier is still a problem and, from the looks of it, will be for some time. roro sits and waits patiently for one of us to let her out, but not vagner. he yowls. he claws and bites at the door. he pushes at the top.
sigh . . . he's going to end up hating me and never snuggle again. :(
a small book or pamphlet of a kind formerly sold by chapmen (an itinerant dealer or peddler) containing popular tales, treatises, ballads, or nursery rhymes; a small book or pamphlet resembling a chapbook