nothing beats a good snuggle, complete with purrs, with your cat. our big cat, ororo storm, was picked up for me by saxy's mother after we had to get rid of our orange tabby, shay, because of the apartment no pets policy. saxy's mother was picking up ro's brother. roro also spent some time at the same place shay went to when we were caught with her, then the apartment changed their pets policy and she came back home (shay was too wild by that time, and the policy only allowed one pet). unfortunately, roro had changed quite a bit and i was no longer someone she liked. she's become somewhat attached to saxy. either way, she's not very affectionate.
then we found a little fluffy ball of fur we named vagner. it's been figured he was about 4 or 5 weeks old when we saved him from starvation. that makes him about 8 months old now. here's a picture of our two babies:
the tabby is ororo, vagner is the little gray and white guy.
i've been primary care giver to vagner since we got him. he used to sleep in my shirt, i made his milk, protected him from roro. he slept a lot those first few weeks, poor thing. but now he's definitely much bigger. i was noticing the other day how much heavier he's gotten. he no longer fits in the palm of my hand - he's closer to the length of my arm. sleeping in my shirt is out of the question.
but one thing he hasn't lost is his affection. granted, he's not as affectionate as he was as a baby, but a day rarely goes by without a snuggle and a purr. sometimes it means he needs fresh food (we have to be careful how much food we put in the bowl because they won't eat if it's been out all day). but sometimes, it's just a snuggle he needs. he meows, getting my attention to be picked up, curls up in my arm, wraps his paws around my neck, snuggles his nose under my chin/into my neck, makes sure his belly is available for rubbing, and purrs away. and he has a wonderfully loud purr (you can barely hear roro's purr). i honestly think he gets more out of it than i do sometimes. and when he's done, he pokes his head up, let's me give him a few extra pets, then sort of drops out of my arms.
that purr is such a wonderful thing. i don't think it can be explained to people who don't like or have never had cats. it's comfort. it's love. it's a whole lotta things rolled into one.
cat snuggles and purrs. nothing can beat them. and i'm glad i finally have a kitten who can give them to me.
radiating rays or reflecting beams of light; vividly bright and shining, glowing; marked by or expressive of love, confidence, or happiness; emitted or transmitted by radiation; emitting or relating to radiant heat