my boy. he's been fighting this uti thing for a long time. it finally came to the point where nothing we were doing was helping, and now he's gone.
but i don't want to focus on his death, his last few days.
vagner has been a treasure. he's the kitten who slept in my shirt. who played in water and loved catnip balls, and had a tail he held high and curled and got him named after nightcrawler. at the end of his life, he was full, fat, fluffy. 14 pounds and 10 years old, and he still played. he'd run around and do a rolling mreow/growl combination that was hilarious.
he used to sit in the kitchen to watch saxy cook and perch near the printer to watch me write. he loved to crawl into and sleep in bowls. we had bowls we bought as kitchen "trash bowls" that became vagner beds (and, yes, he's in a trash can in the photo; telling you, his thing for small places was a bit weird, lol).
he was never a bedroom cat (not sure why), but he could be quite the snuggler. he loved to have his belly rubbed while he tucked his nose against my tummy as he kneaded and purred. he stopped for awhile in the toxic house, but once we were out, and he regained his weight and health, he started up again. he'd also sleep on saxy's tummy when he got the chance.
i'm glad i got to see him get healthy again after toxic house, to see him play, to have him snuggle.
he was my baby boy. special. and he will be missed.
and how could you not love that face.
rest in peace, vagner. may there be tons of catnip balls and water dishes to dump them in where you are now.
layout from 2005. title: & vagner sleeps. now, may he rest well.
word of the moment: chatoyant
having a changeable luster or color with an undulating narrow band of white light