so, sometime yesterday afternoon, my connection went out. in fact, it wasn't just the connection, the phone line was totally dead as well. we, of course, thought it was at&t's fault because, frankly, at&t sucks. lots. i really do miss bellsouth, which is who we had when we came out here. but at&t is the new ma-bell and is eating up every phone service it possibly can. really, i don't understand why the "mergers" are being approved when all it does is reduce competition, but whatever.
so everything gets knocked out last night and we assume it's at&t. we paid the bill and calling the phone got us the answering service. since this happened last month and it was fixed by morning, we just let it go.
it wasn't fixed this morning. even worse, we weren't getting a message saying there was an outage in our area when we called. so whatever was going on was specific to our phone. i thought i checked the connection near the phone, the husband checked the connection at the wall. as far as we could tell, everything was fine, so we called in a ticket.
then the husband checked the same area i thought i had checked. apparently i hadn't checked it well enough -- the switch and the line were completely disconnected from each other. now how i missed that is beyond me, and my only excuse is that i had just woken up and was beyond irritation.
at any rate, the nearest we can figure is that somehow baby cat disconnected the two pieces. her high chair is near there and she has this thing about the buckles. the line may have been pulled by the chair, she may have tripped over it, or she just may have seen the whole thing as another version of a buckle.
at least for once it wasn't at&t's fault. but it was still annoying, even more so since we could have fixed it, apparently.