so, we finally got out of the hole at the bank, only to dive right back into it. this time it isn't so deep and won't be so long of a time period that we're there, but i hate it anyway. the good news is that saxy's working again and it looks like from here on out his work will pick up and things will get better. i don't want to say we're finally going to be back on our feet yet - every time i do something comes up to prove me wrong, but at least we've got our feet on the path, if nothing else.
i keep telling myself that things will work out. and they will, even if it takes more time than i would like. we are in a better place, even if the adjustment hasn't been so easy on anybody but taz.
one of the things that tanked our account is the purchase of the books to study for the praxis tests. word is i need to get those taken care of and quickly because they're talking higher prices for the summer. like they don't charge enough already? even worse, the books i ordered have maybe one practice test in them. the actual workbooks to practice the tests and get comfortable with them cost an additional $10 each - which would come to another $40 for me. i swear, these damn tests are just a way for someone to make money. it's really a shame that they are the only acceptable test scores for what i need to do. if i ever decide to go for that m.a. after all, that's going to require the g.r.e. and that's not cheap either. (interestingly enough, the same place that manages the praxis and makes money off it, does the same for the g.r.e.)
anyway, once those books get here (i had to order one for the 3 general tests i need and another for the middle school test i need - and neither were available at a discount at amazon for once), i can start to study for those tests and see what it is i need to try to figure out. especially for the middle school test. i just might be able to squeeze in the praxis I before summer, not too sure about the praxis II though. the plan right now is to try to register for the first test at the end of this month or beginning of the next, but that will depend on the books getting here in time for me to actually study and see how much i need to refresh on. i'm also hoping that maybe the middle school book will have some resources listed i can use. yes, that means buying more books, but that takes less time than taking a class, especially since i can't afford not to work.
my cold is also finally improving. i seem to be only dealing with congestion right now, but i thought i was only dealing with congestion last wednesday and thursday too. friday proved me wrong on that in a hurry - my fever came back with a vengeance and i still don't know how i managed to make it through the day without a total melt down. still, right now, i feel pretty good. i slept for about a day and a half, so that helped. i was having problems with my gall bladder again last night, i think - the pain and other reactions seemed similar to issues i had several years ago. which means i need to really watch my grease intake for awhile and eat salads and non-fried foods for a bit. i hope it's not a permanent problem - the idea of giving up pizza and saxy's tacos permanently is just . . . horrifying! we'll just cross our fingers and hope the whole gall bladder thing takes care of itself like it did before.
and now i'm going to go back to my novel. it feels really good to be writing again, even if i seem to be inching along on increasing the word count there too. i feel like i've been away from it for too long and it's been less than a week! what can i say? i need to write!
word of the moment: soul
the immaterial essence or substance, animating principle, or actuating cause of life or of the individual life; the psychical or spiritual principle in general shared by or embodied in individual human beings or all beings having a rational and spiritual nature; the psychical or spiritual nature of the universe related to the physical world as the human soul to the human body; the immortal part of man having permanent individual existence; a person's total self in its living unity and wholeness; a seat of real life, vitality, or action; an animating or essential part; a vital principle actuating something; man's moral and emotional nature as distinguished from his mind or intellect; the quality of expression that effectively presents or arouses emotion and sentiment; a manifestation (as affection, generosity, charity, sympathy) of the moral nature; spiritual or moral force; human being; one having a good or noble quality in the highest degree |