tuesday, february 6, 2001
waiting my turn
i have 3 sick people in this house: two of the girls and the husband. taz is also coughing and congested, but his could be an allergy reaction since he gets like this about the same time my allergies are going off the scale. regardless, i already know what's going to happen. it happens every time someone
in this house gets sick, especially with my anemia in play now. the illness will make the run of the house, every one else will get it so mama can take care of them, then it will apparently disappear for a day or a week. next thing i will know is that i will be laid low by whatever it was making the rounds.
and, unlike everyone else, i will be stuck being sick. i won't be able to kick the sucker faster than whoever had it the longest, and more likely will beat them by having it a week longer.
all i can really say is PLEASE wait until midterms are over.
of course, waiting has its own dangers. so far it looks like at least 2 different illnesses making the rounds. saxy has a cold and i am not sure what the girls have. one is achy and the other is losing dinner. so maybe the flu. now, with my luck, waiting my turn to catch the nasties until after midterms
means i will catch both at once. or will catch one after the other. or will not get well for 6 weeks (i had the flu that long once . . . i dropped out of the uni that quarter since i was out 90% of the time).
with better luck, taz's congestion won't be more of the same ol' allergy junk but actually be something else and i'll have three illnesses at once.
this is all part of the wonders of being mom. you stay strong and take care of everyone else when they are sick. you keep the kids home when necessary and brave the dragon school secretaries who are trying to track down your kid. you heat the soup, bring the juice and make sure there is plenty of dayquil
to go around. and in repayment you get . . . sick.
really, i am getting used to be the last in line for being sick. and for having it the longest. i only request the mess not hit until after midterms. honestly, i don't think that is too much to ask.