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an adhd moment
saturday, december 18, 2004

. ? 100 Things # .

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brought to you by high spirits and no medication.

i fought the dii forum and won. go me.

saxy is off at a football game with mcat, so i'm playing shania real loud and chair dancing with the girls. lots of laughter, squeals from tickles, and happiness going on right now.

yes, i chair dance. doesn't everybody?

yes, i listen to shania. and creed, and collective soul, and nine inch nails, and metallica, and enya, and even classical.

my last two chapters were easy compared to the one i started revising today. i have something in there i need to figure out and more than one thing to overhaul and the pace is slow. the good news: the critters still wanted to turn the page at the end.

christmas cookies are dangerous.

where's my vagner? he's been sleeping at my feet lately when i'm at the desk and he's not on his pillow now. i miss my baby.

i see my oldest in a week. i hope. real hugs a comin'!

i get to use my new whysper layout in 2 weeks!

i'm missing some money. or missed a receipt or two, or three . . . . this is not good. but for once i'm not overly worried about it - everything all seems to work out one way or another. and i'm in too good of a mood to let worry in right now anyway.

i need a shower tonight.

brunch with mcat tomorrow a.m. that ought to be interesting/fun. we haven't seen much of each other lately - i'm working all day and saxy's been working with someone else.

i wish this damn cough would just die already! yeesh!

god i need to clean my desk. guess it's a good thing we're not having company for christmas.

ok, really, time to get back to that chapter. honest. ;)

wow. my pc can play music rather loud. the floor is vibrating . . . and the desk, the chair, the windows . . . .

welcome to the brain of domy - scattered and on multiple topics at once. and not the same topics from one second to the next. fun, huh?

site of the moment:

ring/clique/fl of the moment:
word of the moment: definitive

serving to supply a final answer, solution, or evaluation and to end an unsettled unresolved condition; fixed and unalterable in opinion or judgment; most authoritative, reliable, and complete usually with the implication of final and perfected completeness or precision -- used of research, scholarship, or criticism especially of a biographical or historical study or of a text or edition of a literary work or author; serving to define or specify precisely; distinguishing; exact, express, and clearly defined; real, actual, and positive; definite; complete; fully developed; final; issued as a regular stamp for the country or territory in which it is to be used


Since July 9, 2000

"Rhysa and the Dragon" © 2001 - 2020 by Amanda Penrose and created exclusively for Denyse "domynoe" Loeb; All Rights Reserved. Not be duplicated, copied, uploaded to another server, linked to, or used for any other purpose other than viewing while visiting the domynoes network and affiliated domains. In other words, it was made for me, I paid for it, it is mine, hands (and mice) off. This website has been optimized for 800x600 and 1024x768 monitor resolutions.

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