we're making yet more progress in the moving thing. the dog got bathed, and, as soon as she's dry, she and the cats will be defleaed with frontline. there's no way i'm traveling 5 days with animals that have fleas. and we had oldest come over today to move all the unsold things into a closet and all the boxes that will be loaded into the truck downstairs into the dining area. a number of them are unmarked for some reason and will need to be marked before they're loaded. having them downstairs will make that loading easier too.
but maaaaaaaan, do we have a lot of boxes!
and i had to go sorting through the stuff we already packed to find my clip art. since i haven't been able to do much writing (more from lack of . . . concentration than from lack of ability, not so much writer's block as just everything else on my plate as made the plate more than a bit overfull), i've been working on putting up my old graphics sets, a few of which need to be revamped. i didn't get the clip art in time to do the one revamp i was thinking of, but the set came out all right anyway. other than that, still doing the php thing here for whysper (i'm in march of 2004, of course, there's everything from march on and all of 2000-2003 left to do . . . ).
where was i (i swear i'm on my meds!)? oh, the clip art anyway, we had to look through 3 boxes before we found it. and these boxes are marked. i just know it's going to be a bigger mess unpacking than it has been to actually pack. and i get to do the unpacking pretty much myself since saxy will be job hunting. kitten actually brought help to move everything, and they both look quite worn out. and we still have to sort through, reorganize a bit so we have our kitchen back, and mark the boxes that were left unmarked.
moving, exhausting for the body. tedious code work, exhausting for the mind.
to deceive by artful wheedling or tricky dishonesty, cheat, defraud; to beguile craftily or victimize by chicanery; delude, deceive; to bring about, induce, or obtain by artful wheedling or tricky dishonesty intransitive verb; to act with artful deceit; chisel