it's been a bad week and i only remember part of it. honestly, i have no idea what i've done this week. been sick. slept a lot. installed movabletype and put 4 of my .com journals into it. that was fun . . . not. even more fun will be changing links around the site to match the new urls of some of those entries. and it looks like i'll be slowly migrating the rest of the site to php. why? not a clue. well, other than using the database supposedly will take some of the load off my server. mt is supposedly going to go full database one day, for now only the comments are in the database. at least that's what i think it said. lol
at any rate, not looking forward to making that change either. the site is huge, bigger than when i went to ssi and that was a job all in itself. the things i decide to do. sigh.
then came saxy's pc issues. looks like he got a virus that pretty much made it next to impossible to use his machine. not absolutely impossible. and if a virus didn't get him, well, his win-me did. i spent literally all night a couple of days ago trying to deal with his issues. his i.e. kept locking up on the windows updates page and the norton's online virus scanner. housecall found 2 viruses in exe files, both of which i deleted, but that didn't help. we finally did a reformat. i tried to install win 98se instead of me but it didn't take. so now he's reinstalling stuff back on the win-me system that sucks. but at least it's working better than it was.
and this weekend? storm headache. nasty nasty storm headache.
but, there have been a few good things this week. i started cross-stitching again. i just really needed something non-writing related to do. i tend to work on crits and things when watching tv, but i really need to take a break from the writing related stuff every once in awhile. i used to draw, crochet, cross-stitch, and a few other things, and i just don't have time for all of that any more. but i like cross-stitching. i've made a number of our christmas tree ornaments and would like to keep doing that, so i picked it back up again.
we did manage a flurry of packing at some point this week (i know because of the increased number of boxes in my dinette), but not much since then. it's been tough decided what can be packed and what needs to stay out. also move related, vagner is dealing with the carrier a bit better. he's even playing around it. we added these water dishes that attach to the door, and vagner is such a water cat that i guess it made the carrier more appealing. lol
and my finally published! coffee mug came. it's pretty cool! i dated the bottom of it with the date the zine came out and it's sitting on my desk.
it hasn't been the best week, but it most definitely could have been a lot worse. it would just be nice if next week was better. here's hoping!
ring/clique/fl of the moment: in the wild & booklogs
word of the moment: peripheral
of, relating to, or forming a periphery, originating in a periphery, marginal; located away from a center or central portion, external; especially located at or near the surface of the body; of, relating to, or involving the surface of the body; of or relating to the peripheral field (as in peripheral vision)