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wednesday, december 31, 2003

so my husband tells me. getting married on new year's eve was a bad thing - now i have trouble remembering how many years it's been.

oh, who am i kidding. i'd have trouble anyway, just because of this anemic/adhd brain that has a 5 minute memory lifespan. ;)

so, anyway, anniversary #6. never thought we'd get here. a few years ago, it really looked like we wouldn't. next year is the 7 year itch. guess if he makes it past that one i have to keep him. ;)

we celebrated a bit early. mother gave us some money so we could go out (even though she's not all together there, she does manage to do something just right every once in awhile), linnorm took the kids over night so we wouldn't have to worry about getting home at a particular time or having kids around when we did get home. he's done this almost every year, but this year he had to work on the day of our actual anniversary (tonight), so everything was moved to his closest day off: monday.

first we went to an early showing of the last samurai. while i wouldn't say it was one of cruise's best performances (i think he did better in minority report), it was still a fantastic film. cruise is at that stage in his career that he has to fight his reputation, so to speak, and i did see how at least one reviewer could say that initially you see cruise playing his character in the film. but that soon all gets swept away. it's a very moving film. and inspiring. i actually took a few notes for alden world building . . . when i wasn't crying. i definitely want to own this one when it comes out on dvd.

after that we went up to one of our favorite restaurants to eat, red lobster. when saxy worked with the bus people, we used to go up there twice a month (when he got paid) to eat, but since being buried in debt and then losing the job that was to help pay for the debt, we haven't been up there in awhile. it took every last penny my mother had given us, but was well worth it. i even brought my leftovers home and reheated them yesterday for breakfast. yeeeeeuuuuuuummmmmmm.

on our way home we stopped off at circuit city and target. i picked him up an inexpensive bond game for the ps2 as an anniversary gift. see, we both loved the dinner and the movie, but i really got the feeling that he was doing it for me. i chose the movie, the restaurant was a mutual thing but has always been one of my favorite places to go. so, i really felt that even though the whole evening was for the both of us, he was catering to me in a way. the bond game is just for him. it's not anything i would play.

we also looked for final fantasy anthologies for me but it is apparently finally off the shelves and no longer available. i wonder if they're planning to do the same kind of revamp for those 2 games that they did for origins for the ps2? that would be nice. i really did want ffiv. at target we picked up a couple of dvd's, including vampire hunter d and titan a.e., as well as a few other minor things. we couldn't really afford it, but i thought we kinds needed it. every so often you just need to spend a little money on yourself. and since everything was still on sale, we did pretty good.

after all that, we spent the rest of the evening at home. it was sweet and romantic, although i passed out a bit earlier than usual. we had a wonderful time just being together without the kids around, getting out of the house and just enjoying ourselves for awhile. saxy was a bit more affectionate than usual - i think he was just really glad to get away from the usual stress of our lives if just one day. i did wonder for a few there if we should have taken seats in the back of the theater though. ;)

who needs to wait for the 7 year itch. he's a keeper now.

site of the moment:

ring/clique of the moment:
partners for life
word of the moment: legerdemain

skeight of hand; a display of skill or adroitness


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Since July 9, 2000

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