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just . . . ugh
wednesday, october 15, 2003

if it's not one thing, it's another. at least in my life it always seems to be. nothing's ever easy. people in the past have told me they are astonished at how i always seem to get what i want.

says who?

anyway, things look good for the m.a. program at seton hill, although i won't be able to apply for the upcoming term. the deadline is november 10. no big, they'll accept unofficial transcripts until the day the term starts and i know my recommendations an get in in time. but, and there's always a but, the f.a. doesn't come in until 3 weeks into the term - that's after the residency. which means that i have to find a way to pay for the first plane ticket on my own. while i might be able to find a way for next fall, by january is impossible.

so, come january i'll reapply for f.a. (shouldn't be a problem, we po' folk) and begin the application process for the program. and will try to figure out the plane ticket thing.

god, there's got to be a job out there somewhere.

then there's my son. the school district wants to advance him to middle school and there is no way the kid is ready. california has gotten weird over the years. when i was a kid, middle school was 7-9th grades. now days it's 6-8th. but the format hasn't changed - different rooms for different classes and in no way is my son ready to do that. the school is indicating that there is no way he's staying with them, that he must advance. yes, my son will be 12 when it's time to do so, but he is not "age appropriately" placed in a grade. he's 2 years behind in development and it's his developmental level that determines what he does. so, advancing him according to his age (which it appears they are doing) isn't appropriate.

i've already called his social worker at inland regional, but i definitely didn't need another headache right now.

who knows, maybe i will get what i want. it's just going to come with a fight.

site of the moment:
The Art of Kinuko Y. Craft

ring/clique of the moment:
memories lost
word of the moment: burnish

to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing; polish; to rub (a material) with a tool for compacting or smoothing or for turning an edge


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Since July 9, 2000

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