saturday, june 23, 2001
expressions: friends never met
friendships are one of the most enriching experiences of our lives. this month in expressions we're going to celebrate friendship. take some time to write about one or more of your most special friends, the ones that have touched your life in some profound way. share what they have done to impact your life, how you feel about them, a message to them that tells just how much you appreciate them, or anything that expresses what that friend has meant to you and your life. we look forward to "meeting" your friends!
some of my closest friends are people i have never met. and yet i meet with most of them daily. they listen to me rant and rave, put up with my pushiness, cry with me, and rejoice with me. but most of all, they share with me. they share with me who they are, their lives, their spirits, their hopes and dreams, their sorrows and joys. i have watched them grow and change, and have been profoundly touched by each one. they are more than my friends, they are my sisters.
kel ~ you may never live down kidnapping one of the seryn elves court members or clinging to our legs as a wee one, but i would never want you too. as strange as that sounds, those two things show some very important character traits of yours that have enriched not only my life, but many others: your spirit, your love of fun and your joy. i know days have been hard for you recently, but i also know of the strength i envy, the perseverance that can only take you as far as you want to go, and the level headedness i wish I had had at your age. you are a very special lady, and i hope you reach every dream for I know of no one more deserving. you know where you are going and what you want, something i still haven't completely figured out.
lunar ~ not too long ago i really didn't know you all that well, then something happened. you reached out to me in crises. me! you will never know how much that astonished me. since then we have kept each other company late at night when no one else is around, screaming at html and php files and psp graphics, bitching about life, and talking about everything else under the sun. we don't always agree, put we allow each other to have our own opinions even while we try to get the other one to see our point. when you aren't around in the evenings, i miss you. strange as it sounds, i miss you when you are just not there
it's like not having your presence on msn, even if we don't talk, leaves a hole in the middle of my night. thank you for reaching out to me and for letting me get to know you better. (and, btw, that call cost $27, just in case you're interested. hehe)
moon ~ gosh woman! how long have we known each other now? i think you are one, if not the, longest internet friends i have. All the fun we had with the quills, with the duni's, with seryn
sometimes you were my only strength. you listen without judgment, you don't give advice unless asked, and have been a shoulder and an ear for me when i have been in need. i can only hope to provide for others the things you have given me. your calm and peace is something i may never achieve, but something i really wish i could.
there are others i would love to introduce people to: twinsis, kat, sabrina, masaka, dana, my r.l. friend who i only speak to over the net now panther, avathar, michelle. i have been blessed with more friends than i can begin to introduce here..and each one is special to me, each one has touched my life in their own way, made me who i am, given me something to aspire too.
i do have one other special friend i must introduce
my husband. we met in college, i tutored him math and we liked each other from the beginning. saxy was smoking at the time, and when he heard i disapproved of smoking weed, he stopped. he never told me until after we were living together. when he moved in, he quit cigarettes, probably one of the hardest things he has done for me. but he knew they would trigger my asthma and loved me enough to do what it took to help keep me well. we had some very hard 3 years after we married, we split and almost divorced. but there is something between us that is so very strong. when we got back together he lost friends over it, but he was willing to do that because this, us, was right for him. my own friends have doubted out ability to make this marriage work. not those on the net, those in r.l. who saw the pain we went through, that i went through. but here we are, doing better than ever. we still fight. all couples do. but now, now there is hope. we are growing together, learning together, and loving together. and i know that if all my friends ever abandoned me, he would always be there.
his is a darker view. he trusts very few. i hope I have enough trust for the both of us, because i just could not imagine my life without any of my friends.