thursday, july 6, 2006

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. ? 100 Things # .

"Bridge of Wings -
Where He Waits"

Pui-Mun Law

paper background from
© Davide Guglielmo

i really meant to explain that last post sooner than this -- i've been rather involved in a few things. the most time consuming was the completion of the third novel's rough draft. books are a writer's babies, and now i have 3 of them! i really am rather proud of myself. a few years ago i had given up hope of ever completing a novel -- i just couldn't seem to do it. i kept stalling, getting hung up, and just couldn't seem to get the story in my head down on paper.

now the problem is getting the silly thing revised, but that's a whole different thing.

i finally picked my first book back up, determined to figure out how to write a complete novel draft. it took me a little time to figure it all out, but i did, and now i have completed my first trilogy! :)

it needs work, but just to have finished is an accomplishment.

in other baby news, my oldest is pregnant. she's taken 2 pregnancy tests and both came up positive -- my baby kitten is about to be a mama cat! and i'm becoming a grandmama. we are a little worried about this, but not for us, or even for her as a mama. she's a level headed girl, usually, not prone to extremes, and tends to be very responsible.

however . . . .

she and her man, trin, didn't know each other all that long when they got married, 3 or 4 months at the most. he was the third man she was engaged to in 2 years, and their reasons for actually tying the knot, while understandable emotionally, were not good reasons to actually get married. so we've got this couple that has barely had a chance to get to know each other, who hasn't moved past that phase when the sexual attraction is the primary draw, getting married. they have no idea how they're going to be when the hard stuff hits, they don't even know if they'll like each other all that much. they haven't really had a chance to develop a good friendship as the bases of their relationship or to create the ties that help a marriage to survive. and they're both very young. tastes, needs, desires, these will all change drastically, and they may not be too happy with each other in a few years.

we love kitten and don't want to see her hurt. we've been a bit distant with trin, but not because of any fault of his own. it's just this worry that the relationship is going to go south pretty quickly because there's very little foundation for them to build a marriage on. trin, so far, has been a decent guy -- quiet, respectful, seems to have a sense of humor (but he better stop that mom stuff until we get to know each other better, yeesh!). but we've seen how flighty miss kitty can be, and we worry about where this is going to go. we hope they make it, but the statistics are against them.

the marriage is maybe a month and half old. it's not on a stable foundation yet. now add a baby to the mix. these two young ones haven't even had all that much time with each other, and now they've got to add a third party? babies create havoc in the most stable of relationships -- they turn lives upside down and inside out. i love my kids (even when they're being the pills they're being today) and i wouldn't trade even the worst of them in for the world, but i'm very glad their father and i waited until we'd been married 2 years to have the first one. an unstable relationship is only made more so by the addition of a baby.

that being said, thank god it's the oldest who is pregnant. i know she'll be all right, even if she ends up a single mom. she's stronger than she knows, smarter than she realizes, and usually very level headed (despite the whole motherhood too early). she will be a good mama, even though she didn't quite think this whole motherhood thing through before she got pregnant. that's the age -- she's level headed and responsible on the whole, but 19 year olds are not known for consistency. ;)

if miss thang became pregnant, we'd be looking at a whole different set of issues and a huge chance of me becoming a mama again. miss thang can't even take care of herself all that well, doesn't think much through, there's no way she'd be able to take care of a baby too. and with the way she's out all night half the time, we'd end up taking care of it anyway because miss thang wouldn't be home most of the time. so, yes, we are really glad it's kitten who's about to be a mama and not miss thang.

kitten is having some of the more common problems with pregnancy -- morning sickness, tiredness, all that -- but so far nothing sounds out of the ordinary. she still needs to see a doctor, but should do that fairly soon -- she on her way to her post today. she's not too keen on doctors, but i'll pester her every day until she gets in and starts prenatal care. there are some risks in this family and she needs to be under a doctor's care to reduce those risks as much as possible.

my baby is having a baby! i actually figured on having a little more time before grandmotherhood, but i also kinda figured at least one of the girls would have a baby before i turned 50. my only real regret is, like all those other mother and daughter things i had to miss with her (senior prom activities, wedding preparation activities), i'll more than likely have to miss this too. hawaii is a long way away.

thank god for the cell phones.

but i may have to be careful about those calls -- she's just a tad hormonal right now. ;)

word of the moment: creativity

imaginative ability: the ability to use the imagination to develop new and original ideas or things, especially in an artistic context

one year at a time
2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020

give me them all

real eyes . BlogTree
family tree . chimera
.:| Year of Reading |:.

Since July 9, 2000

"Rhysa and the Dragon" © 2001 - 2020 by Amanda Penrose and created exclusively for Denyse "domynoe" Loeb; All Rights Reserved. Not be duplicated, copied, uploaded to another server, linked to, or used for any other purpose other than viewing while visiting the domynoes network and affiliated domains. In other words, it was made for me, I paid for it, it is mine, hands (and mice) off. This website has been optimized for 800x600 and 1024x768 monitor resolutions.

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