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the write teach
wednesday, may 18, 2005

i'm exhausted and have approximately 160 or so papers to grade tonight, but i thought i'd share a little bit of hope. lord knows i need some with the problems i'm having with my 2nd 8th grade group. i get to face them tomorrow and reaaaaaaallllyyyy don't want to. my 1st 8th grade group is a problem, but it doesn't make me nervous the way the 2nd group does. i do have one of the trouble makers taken care of and another may be out because of fighting earlier this week, but that leaves 11 other teenage boys all bigger than me and with attitude problems in my classes. meh.

anyway, i spoke to the principle the other day about the possibility of me teaching. i initially asked if she wanted me to include the writing stuff as a part of my resume and she said yes. then i broached the idea of an elective class on writing, telling her i could teach essays, term papers, fiction, and poetry. she seemed quite enthusiastic, so it looks like there's a small sliver of possibility that i might teach a writing class! that would make the job so much more enjoyable - especially when i have tough kids to deal with (i'm pretty sure at least half my students will not be advancing to high school this year).

but, like i said, it's a slim chance. more than likely i'll get a language arts class - probably an 8th grade language arts class. but i can hope! (which is what i'm doing!)

now if only they'd tell me whether or not i need to help grade the stacks of work for this class i'm in now. word has it they want the grades by next thursday or friday and there's A LOT of work in there to grade. if i don't hear back on it soon, it'll be a lot later than friday before they get them back!

for now, i need to go and make hubby and i our supper - clam chowder and salad. hubby's really sick so i get to cook, even though i'm sliding in the same direction as he is. kid's get tv dinners tonight. i did add a bit of broccoli as well - gotta get some healthy in there.

and after all that, back to grading.


word of the moment: posset

to cause to curdle or coagulate; to pamper with delicacies

real eyes . BlogTree
family tree . chimera
.:| Year of Reading |:.


Since July 9, 2000

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