saturday, september 15, 2001
relief in sight
i'm done..well, almost done. school supplies purchased, socks, shoes, and miscellaneous personal and other things that were needed (or ordered by the doctor). sales are a good thing. when you are broke, they are a very good thing. i missed two or three items, but i wouldn't have been able to get them
anyway, and they weren't that important. at least now everyone is up on paper (lined and printer), pens, pencils, sharpeners, folders and all that other stuff that school demands of us as parents and students. no more scrounging for a single clean sheet to do math, no more trading paper between
least not for another year. i usually like buying things, i really don't know why this distresses me so, especially since i expect it every year. september, as i have said before, is bad for us. long summer of no money and all the past dues we can handle (and then some) plus school. it's a nightmare.
with the energy crises out here,'s just horrid.
however, some relief is in sight. saxy recently went a round with the insurance company handling his workman's comp case. not only did they tell us 2 weeks late that he was cut off (thus he did not receive an expected check), but they sent us a bill for about $1100. admittedly that was part of the distress
this time around: it's bad enough not to receive the final check you are expecting, it's worse to hear they over paid you. this put the entire brunt of covering everything on my loans moneys, which admittedly were substantial, but still not enough. saxy did apply for unemployment, but that, of course,
starts from the day you call, which means he had 2 weeks with nothing coming in at all.
then he went to see his doctor for the last appointment (oh yes, the insurance company released him before the doctor did.), and the doctor was even less happy than we were.
it took one day and five different phone calls to get the mess cleared up. saxy was reinstated for those two weeks (only). today he received that check and we're treating the whole crew here to a good chinese dinner (not cheap, but much deserved after the last few weeks of shuffling everything around
just to get by). saxy's giving me the money i paid on his books plus an additional bit to help cover the remaining utilities. he's going to get the network cables so we can stop paying for two connections and stop interfering with phone calls. things look settled, supplied, and caught up.
i stress so much sometimes and even i know it all usually works out in the end.
all i have to do is wait.