The Un-Original Sin

Adam and Eve's transgression against God is known as the original sin many, if not most, mainstream Christian denominations. However, there was nothing original about it. The whole event was authored by Satan who has not created anything unique. All he has done has been to poorly parody and mimic the creations of God. In temptation he didn;t even look that high. Instead he takes Eve down the path he has already trod upon.

Satan was once in God's favor, the mightiest of angels (5.659-661). But he was not content with his position and power, he wanted more (4.49-50). He wanted to be Gos (1.39-41). He despised submitting to God and His son (4.81-82; 5.774-777, 780-782). so began the road to his sin paved with lies to bring others along with him (5.767-771). Desiring to be equal with his Creator, he convinces his followers that they are somehow equal with Him (5.789-796).

Now fallen his eyes turn to God's new creation: Man. In devising man's downfall, Satan turns to a tried and true formula: greed for more, tyranny of being ruled over, and the desire to become God, all wrapped up in lies. This is plan in a nutshell (4.522-526). A plan he knows will succeed, for it is how he was brought low. It is the projection of his desires upon others.

He then begins in Eve's dream. The theme is familiar: 'you can be happier, you can become a Goddess' (5.75-78). Once those thoughts are implanted in her pretty little head, he finishes the temptation using the rest of the formula. He begins with lies, having never actually tasted the Fruit on the Tree (9.687-689). He voices the dissatisfaction of being ruled by Gos when it is possible to be like God (9.703-710). The temptation proves too great for her and she eats, following Satan into disobedience. There is nothing new here. The "original" sin is only Satan's desires played out once again

Paradise Lost (1667)
Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchilsea
Source: British Literature 1640-1789: An Anthology
Essay written January 26, 1998
grade: A