Rhysa and her dragon were created exclusively for domynoe by Amanda Penrose, who has my deepest thanks.

Page graphics & layout by Denyse "domynoe" Loeb with psp and dreamweaver.

© 2001-2019. All Rights Reserved

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Storm's :: Home for and the DII forums and chat.

copyright info
All graphics other than rhysa and her dragon were created using psp. Other images come from tubes, fonts and copyright free clip art unless otherwise noted. My personal graphics (including Rhysa and her dragon), writings and other content are not available for anything other than viewing while visiting domynoe's. Graphics, design, and content writings may not be duplicated, copied, uploaded to another server, or used for any other purpose other than viewing while visiting the domynoes network and all affiliated sites including,,, and While linking to individual pages are permitted, links must NOT hide the original URL or domain, may not be framed off the network, or interfere with navigation of the original domain. Graphics and other files may not be linked to outside the pages on which they appear within the network and associated domains. If you have any questions about copyrights, please check out these links:

what is copyright
10 myths about copyrights
u.s. copyright faq
no electronic theft

rhysa & her dragon
rhysalynne and her dragon are from my writing and playing and have graced since 2001.

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the domains
1997 :: first website, DomynoeDragon's Lair & Maze opened on geocities

1998 :: opened DominoDesigns, bounced around on free servers for a bit

1999 :: registered
2001 :: registered after the domynoes domains, is the home of my fantasy world i run my ad&d games in and the setting for my fantasy novels

2002 :: taken offline

2003 :: becomes my official author's site and returns online, hosted by jatol
2002 :: registered specifically for and dedicated to a very active writers workshop, closed 2015